A few weeks ago I blogged about an amazing new bot that was developed by the incomparable Ming Cheuk. Since then, I've been wondering exactly how it works. Ming's interesting post on Medium provides some answers. Finally, just for the record, and to keep things in perspective, I should point that WTFIT doesn't always work exactly like you'd hope. Here's a picture I tested it with. The main character in the image is Ming.
Students often ask me how they can start to learn about scientific computing. I normally tell them to do what I did - start with a problem that they are interested in (maybe one that they are working on?) and begin to tinker. Here's how that worked out ...
Ming Cheuk, an exceptionally talented PhD student at the University of Auckland, has created a bot to identify objects in pictures. He calls it WTFIT. I thought I'd give it a try. You just log in with Facebook and send it a picture. Here's what I got.
I came across this on Facebook today and thought it was very funny.
If you haven't come across Maurice Moss before, he was one of the lead characters on The IT Crowd, a tremendously funny British sitcom. Incidentally, I wrote about JSON in one of my first blog posts.